This is an original poem by Harwood student Madi Maylin.
I am scared
I'm scared
I am scared to close my eyes at night
For fear i could lose someone else
For fear of the constant nightmares
That haunt my sleep
Im scared people won't like me
For what i am, for who i am\
For my style, attitude, insecurities
Im scared that if i cry
People will think i am weak
That i am not strong enough
Im scared i will never be enough
Im scared my voice
Won't be heard
Im scared that if im not “happy”
My own friends wont like me
Im scared i will let my family down
Si fake a smile
And act okay
Im scared people wont like me
For who i am
My interests, good traits, and bad ones
I'm scared to lose my friends
Im scared im not enough
Not smart enough, not pretty enough
Not athletic enough
Im scared im Not strong enough
I'm scared of the crushing anxiety
That comes in waves crashes into me and sends me sprawling
With the pain it brings
I'm scared no one will be there
When i fall
To the cold hard ground
I am scared
And this was the only way people would listen.