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The Legend of the Boy

by Kane Rounds - April 2022

The story takes place in Germany, 1920, a small city in the mountains which is affected by a time warp. The Boy was walking down the street holding a big bag full of gold bars, iron bars, diamonds, and titanium. He saw the blacksmith. The blacksmith was now his legal guardian because his father and mother died. The blacksmith was his uncle. The blacksmith thought his brother, Berry's late father, was only a millionaire but truly he was a billionaire. The Boy inherited 45.3 billion dollars from his father’s will. The father left him his entire estate. When Boy entered the blacksmith shop, the blacksmith said “Berry, I haven’t seen you in three years!” The boy responded, “Uncle Zack, how have you been? I like how you still call me Berry but can you maybe start calling me Boy around other people?

Now, a little bit more about Berry. He is heart-broken, strong, fast, brave, intelligent, eleven years old, tall, skinny, has nicely combed black hair, and sharp, transparent blue eyes with a little bit of yellow in them.

After two years living with the blacksmith, the Boy meets his new best friend, Toby. Toby helps out in the blacksmith shop while Boy trains to become a blacksmith and gets ready for the giant coliseum fight. The Boy enters the coliseum fight and comes out victorious in the end, but the blacksmith thought he saw lightning in the Boy's eyes while he was fighting, the Boy is rewarded by being put in charge of the city’s army. After the fight the Boy went back to his home at the blacksmith shop and found an old radio that belongs to the world down below the mountain. The world down below the mountain is different from on top of the mountain. Below it is 1970 because of the time warp. The radio looked dead, but when the Boy touched it it then had 1% charge left. When the Boys turned it on the radio gave a signal down to the world below. The government found the lost city when they intercepted the radio signal.


The Boy and the whole entire city are preparing for all three wars. The first one, the small one. The second one, the trick. The third one, the big bang. These wars will be dangerous, merciless. The first war starts out like any war would, preparing the troops, getting their numbers up and making weapons. The city's army only had old fashioned guns and armor, slingshots and catapults. The city's army might be old fashioned and out of date but in the end they will find a way to win against the highly advanced government army.


When the government retreated the Boy thought the war was over. However, the government had retreated so they could get higher numbers of soldiers. The Boy and the city folk were not ready yet so they played a trick by dropping their platforms. The enemy army got crushed by the platforms. What was left of the army retreated again and the Boy laughed.


This time the Boy had reinforcements. The blacksmith shot the emergency flare and the backup army saw it. In ten days the backup army arrived with some more platforms, some more materials for the two blacksmiths to make weapons with, and with even more soldiers. Now the Boy’s army had over 90,000 soldiers with very good weapons. When the soldiers got down to the ground using their old fashioned elevators, the opposing army was there. The fighting started. In the end, after many casualties, only 20,000 survived but the city was victorious. Many years went by. When the year turned to 1960 in the city’s time, and to 2010 in the opposing army’s side, the city army would be ready to get revenge.The Boy says, “We finally won our city’s safety.” The blacksmith responded, “You are right about that Boy.”


This war was not like any of the other wars. In the other wars the enemy army did not use their most powerful weapons because the city’s army was not seen as a dangerous army. But in the revenge war they brought an air force and nuclear bombs. In this war the city’s army had over 600,000 soldiers ready to fight with their own air force and their own bombs. The city’s army was ready for the war, and the enemy army was ready as well. They began fighting. After many hours the city army’s number of soldiers was drastically reduced to 10,000 soldiers. The enemy’s army was only down to 100,000 soldiers. Out of nowhere a highly powerful gun fired on the Boy but the blacksmith jumped in front of the Boy to protect him, and the piercing bullet went through the blacksmith’s armor, and he was severely wounded. Next the Boy picked up the sword and said, “You will pay for this!” and he went for the lead tank and hit the tank with his sword. Lightning came from the clouds and the sword and destroyed the entire enemy army. All that was left of their army was a couple of dozen men. The Boy then swung the sword and lightning zapped the remaining soldiers and killed them. The city’s army was then revived by a bolt of lightning. After he revived the city, the Boy said “We have to better prepare for the next war.” The city’s army then made more powerful weapons such as electric swords, electric bows and electric spears. Now they felt prepared for the next war.

After the city prepared for the next war, they knew winter was approaching but not just any winter. It was a winter with a humongous storm that would freeze anything. When it would hit the city, it would be terrifying and amazing. All the people in the city froze. After about 2,000 years the city thawed out and when they awoke they saw that earth had been taken over by technology. There were cards around them and they said welcome to the national war area. When a man approached the kid leader, he said, “Welcome people from the past.” You are new then there was a glass case that fell over the whole city. After the Boy and the Boy talked, the Boy explained that they were now the property of the history of war museum and that he would be living there for the rest of his life. The Boy broke out of the super mega bullet proof glass prison. The Boy said, “You have the powers of a god.” Then the Boy swung his sword, leapt up in the air, and made a mega smack down and caused the whole area to be burnt by lightning. Even the Boy was burnt. Then the Boy did something unbelievable that no one ever expected. The Boy said, “this city is my home. I won’t leave my home so my home won’t leave me.” The Boy leapt up in the air and made a giant force field around the whole city, three miles wide. The Boy laid on the ground out of breath. Two weeks later the Boy sadly passed. The people admired his spirit and the Boy is now in heaven. The people of the city were sad that the Boy had passed. They never gave up and advanced in their technology. They never gave up and wanted to make the Boy proud. They said we will not allow the outsiders to destroy our city which the Boy had strived to protect. They said who will lead us? “I will,” said the blacksmith. They all said fight for the Boy. The city people lived on for many generations and some kids got god-like powers also so they could defend the city. One day, lightning struck the city beyond the barrier. The kids with god-like powers rushed to see what it was. When the kids got there they saw none other than the Boy! He was back and he was alive! “How is it possible?” shouted the kids. The Boy explained to them that his god-like powers came from his parents, and “you too have god-like powers from the massive energy source ”.

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